Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I was playing with Elijah the other day. I had bought all the kids bubble wands for memorial day weekend and we were playing with his. I would wave the wand and all kinds of bubbles would come floating out. Elijah would get focused on one bubble and chase after it until it popped. Even when I would call to him, trying to get him to see all the bubbles behind him, he would keep chasing that one bubble.

I think we all do that sometimes. We get so focused on that one "bubble" that we really want to catch and we miss all the other bubbles. Even when God calls to us, "look at all the other bubbles I'm sending your way", we're too focused on the bubble we want. Sometimes it's a really big bubble but sometimes it's the smallest bubble of all. But we can't see the bigger bubbles for the one we're chasing after.

I want to see all the bubbles. How 'bout you?


Nettie Beard said...

(I too had noticed he did that..)

Anonymous said...

Very well said Grace!