Monday, April 19, 2010

Why? 60-1126

I heard this and it brought tears to my eyes. I felt led to post it. Hope someone is blessed by it.

And you see, Divine healing does not lay in a man anyhow. See? It's in a finished work, your faith in a finished work. And a gift of healing is merely a gift of faith for healing. See? Now, a gift of healing does not have to even be a pastor. It can be a--a lay member. The laity can have the same thing. See?
I remember one time at Meridian, Mississippi, I believe it was. I was holding a meeting, and it was raining. I was there with a man named Brother--he was one of the cooperating ministers or he was one that was sponsoring it through this other churches. Seems to me like his name was either Bigsby, or Busby, or something like that, down in Mississippi: Busby, that's probably who it was, a football player used to be.
And it was in an auditorium, and there was a tes--testimony came which was astounding, and the testimony was, that I sent Billy down to give out prayer cards so that they won't have like an arena. It's a--it's a church, although it was a auditorium, but we're still it's church as long the church is meeting there. That wherever it is that's... The people are the church, the called out.L-5 And the testimony came in later, that there was a little lady setting on the front seat, just a common little church girl that, little mother, and there was another lady walking back and forth with a baby. And the baby was wrapped up in a blanket, and it was raining and the little lady could have no place to set down. It was just packed and jammed out into the streets, and the people standing with umbrellas.
And so this little lady setting there, the Holy Spirit spoke to her (just a little member of the Body of Christ), and she said... The Holy Spirit said to her, "Go, pray for that baby." And when the lady turned, she was holding a prayer card in her hand.
Oh, she said, "Father, I--I cannot go pray for that baby. Brother Branham will pray for that baby tonight." Like that had anything to do with it, but she said, "I--I just can't pray for that baby."
And as she walked back and forth, it just kept getting on her heart more and more. "Go pray for that baby." And finally she said, perhaps maybe to get it off of my heart, I can just give the lady my seat anyhow, because she looked like she was worn out, and said if the...L-6 She said, "How do you do, sister?" Said, "You--you look so tired with the baby and I--I'm not... Haven't got my baby, so would you just take my seat and set down here."
And she said, "Thank you, sister. I don't want to take your seat."
She said, "Yes, you must do it, because I--I see that you're tired and worn out." Well, she set down. She said, "Just before you set down," said, "I notice that you have a prayer card in your hand."
Said, "Yes, the young man gave it to me a few moments ago as he went out the door."
And said, "Well, Brother Branham is going to pray for your baby tonight."
She said, "I hope so. I hope my number's called tonight."
And she said, "Oh, I--I'll pray that Brother Branham will call your number tonight." And then she said, "If I'll, being a Christian, I--I just can't get it off my heart so if you will just excuse me, would--it would relieve my feelings if you would just let me say a little prayer for your baby?"
"Why," she said, "Certainly, darling. Go ahead and pray for the baby."L-7 And she held it out and the little mother laid her hands upon the little baby crying and said, "Lord, I--I do this, because to take it off my heart. I pray that You'll heal the baby when Your servant, Brother Branham, comes and prays for it. Let it be healed." And she set down, the other lady with the baby, and this lady goes and climbs a way up in the balcony. I believe it had two balconies, and she was in the top balcony.
That about five minutes after that I come in, and after I got through preaching I said, "I'll call prayer cards number 25 to 50," or something like that. You know the way I usually do, start along somewhere, where the cards are mixed up and just call a group out so that the people won't rally, "I got number 1 or number 2" or whatever it is.L-8 And happened to be that this lady was about the third or fourth one in the line. Well, the little mother up in the building, you know, up in the top she was so happy. She said, "Oh, thank you, Lord. Oh, I'm so glad for that little mother; that was on my heart so for that poor little sick baby."
When the little baby got into the prayer line and come up close to where we were standing--where I was standing, I looked at her. Now, we got it on the tape, you know, and said... That's how I caught it, and it said, "Sister," said, "your baby is--is suffering with a (I forget what it was), some kind of a disease or trouble." Said, "You've come from a certain place, and you are so and so, Mrs. Certain Name," and said, "but your baby is already healed." Said, "Because the Holy Spirit spoke to that little lady standing up there in the balcony. She's already prayed the prayer of faith for your baby." See?
The compassion of that mother for the baby would've went far beyond what I'd have had for it. You see? So the gift of healing... If God ever speaks to your heart to go pray for somebody, you do what God tells you to do. See, see? Always follow the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The battle has been won!!

Thank you so much for your prayers. I still need them, cause the devil is still "roaming to and fro".

We had a most awesome service tonight! The sermon was about knowing who you are and standing on that. He talked about Shamgar and how he fought those philistines because he realized who he was. During the middle of the sermon everyone was just crying and praying. And after the service we had a prayer line. He had everyone pray for everybody, laying hands on each person.

But when I really got the victory was when he said, the devil has been run out of this place, but he's waiting just outside. And something in me said, God, I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!! I cannot live another day without you. Nothing in my life is more important than you. Please don't let me leave here without you. And, just as His Word says, when you reach the point of desperation, and you know you can't go on another day, He'll be there and he'll hear your prayer. I have never been so desperate for God in my entire life. And I know I have the victory!!

And I know the devil is just waiting to pounce on me. Probably tomorrow morning when my alarm goes off in time for prayer, if not before. And he'll be ready with all his lies. But I serve the Living God Who is greater than the devil and his legions and lies!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My weekend..

As promised, tho a little later than planned, here is my trip last weekend:

So Friday night I pull into town. I meet up with my wonderful friend, Ashley B (she will probably read this, thus.. well, anyway.. :) So I'm getting out of my car and *get this* I run into my rearview mirror!!! I mean, I hit it hard! Smashed my thumb really hard. Still hurts. And this morning I realized I have a bruise on my side that's about the same size as my thumb..... nice. Bet you've never done that...

Anyway... Ashley is a friend from the bank (tho we were much better friends than just coworkers) so I went with her to see the call center *where I used to work*. Partly because I wanted to see all the wonderful ppl (all two of them, the rest were all newbies. It was late in the day..) and partly because they recently renovated the call center. It's AWESOME! I can't believe they waited until AFTER I left....

So after that Ashley and I did a bit of shopping, then we had dinner with some of my other friends from the bank. We still stay in touch ALL the time (pretty much every day) via email, so it was really good to see them again.

After dinner Ashley and I decided to go see a movie. Fun stuff! :) I miss Ashley so much. :( Anyway....

Saturday morning I woke up shortly after 7:00. Yes, AM. And I couldn't go back to sleep because my allergies were choking me and the sun was streaming in on my face. Plus when I got up to go to the bathroom my mom came downstairs and so.. Mom and I visited for a while then decided to go garage saling. We had a good time, despite the fact that I was sneezing and my nose and eyes were running.. So we went to wm and got some allergy medicine. I don't like to take allergy medicine, I prefer herbs and such, but I was NOT about to let allergies ruin my weekend.

Well, the combination of allergies, getting up early, and the "non-drowsy" allergy medicine made me sleepy so I took a nap. Allergies REALLY suck...

Then Ashley Miller called and said she was ready to go. So I picked her up, we made a "quick" stop at neighborhood market, then to creekmore park for Stephen's b'day party. He'll be 2 April 21. We had his party early because my dad is leaving tonight to go to Honduras.

Stephen's party was a success! It was a perfect day, warm, not too windy... Apparently everyone else thought so too.. The park was PACKED. They grilled hot dogs and we had chips and such. Then Elij- I mean- stephen (that's what I did ALL weekend.. haha.) opened all his birthday presents. At first he didn't get the hang of it and was NOT happy when mommy took his new toy away. But he caught on pretty quick that there was MORE!! :) And, of course, he loved the new scooter that Brandon and Mary got him. Wore Brandon out, cause he had to walk beside him and help him steer. haha.

While we were at the park these two guys came to the park in girls' clothes. Like, the one dude was wearing a long shirt and leggings and the other guy was wearing a short white skirt with flowers and a shrug.... So that was kinda weird.. rumors say it was a dare or a school project.. not sure which.. But there was a girl following them with a camera.. ANYway... It was weird and we were all relieved when they finally left.

Sunday I woke up miserable. Took me, like, forever to eat breakfast cause I couldn't breath through my nose and it kept running and I kept sneezing. But finally I got through it and started feeling better. So we went to church. Stephen sat with me. He's such a cutie! He'll sing the songs, but he's, like, a line behind everyone else because he's just repeating what you say. haha. Sunday evening my Uncle Jerry preached a really good sermon about praying for revelation.

Sunday evening I went back to mom and Dad's. I had most of stephen's presents in my car, so I had to unload them and pack everything up. Then I visited with mom and dad for a bit. Headed home around 6:45.

It was a great weekend, minus the allergies. I really enjoyed it. Made me really miss everyone there. But one good thing: moving away from my parents has REALLY made me appreciate them more.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This is the post that I "lost"... Just discovered that I didn't actually lose it...

So I'm about to start my evening and it's going to be pretty much non-stop from here til Sunday evening. Gotta clean church, go to wm, come home, pack, up tomorrow to work 7-3 (blech) then driving to ft smith. Once in ft smith, I'm going to meet up with my best friend, Ashley B, hang out til 7:00, go to dinner at chili's with my peeps from Arvest, go to my parents, get some sleep. Up Saturday (at a late hour, hopefully, but doubtfully...) for a birthday party at 3:00. Before the party I have to go by and see the new and improved call center because I'm sure it's fabulous. And lots of stuff in between. Sunday is church, of course. I guess there'll be an evening service, which will be the first Sunday evening service I've attended since...? December? Not sure... Anyway, more hangin and yackin, then headed home to get a wink or two of sleep before work on Monday.

Can't believe it's already been a week since Rachel came down and we went to Branson. Good times. That'll be a weekend to remember.

Oh, since I'm blogging instead of dropping a line on facebook, I should tell about our adventures.. Actually, I should go change the letters on the church b'day board.. Maybe another time.


Monday, April 5, 2010


Life just doesn't make a whole lot of sense right now. Also, I miss my family.